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Course Tools

Introducing dockasketch

The OS Sketch community offers a docker container that can be utilized for course projects and laboratory assignments. The dockasketch container currently comes equipped with the following capabilities:

  • A full shell environment with all Linux commands
  • Python 3.8.10
  • poetry
  • A complete gcc toolchain

dockasketch in its current state has plenty of room for improvement. These are the additional capabilities that learners engaging with operating systems would benefit from:

  • Updated Python (at least 3.10)
  • pipx
  • Golang 1.19

As it currently stands, dockasketch is a suitable container for some of the content that will be encountered while learning about operating systems. Once the Dockerfile that supports it is outfitted with the aforementioned additional capabilities, it will be a suitable container for all of the content encountered within OS-Sketch.

Pulling dockasketch to your Local

dockasketch currently inhabits its own page within DockerHub, and can be found here.

Once you've arrived at the dockasketch page, you'll see a "pull" command on the right-hand side of the page. Copy that command and run it in a terminal window, and you'll have successfully pulled the Dockerfile to your local machine.

Running a dockasketch Container

Once the container has been successfully pulled, you'll then need to run the container to actually work within the container's workspace.

The command you'll use for this varies depending on the operating system. The possible commands are as follows:


docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD:/root" hancea/dockasketch


The below command must be run in the Command Prompt, it will not work as expected if using PowerShell.

docker run --rm -it -v "%cd%:/root" hancea/dockasketch

Within moments you should be in your own instance (or image) of the dockasketch container! Congratulations!

Locally installing the required tools for Mac

Docker installation process:

Click the link and follow the process in order to ensure that the installation works.

Python installation process:

Go to your terminal and type

python –version

If the output says Python 3.10 you are all set.

You should go to this website and download the mac version.

Pipx installation process:

Using Homebrew, pipx can be installed with:

brew install pipx

The path can be ensured with:

pipx ensurepath

Using pip, pipx can be installed with:

python3 -m pip install --user pipx

The path can be ensured with:

python3 -m pipx ensurepath

The version can be verified with:

pipx --version

Poetry installation process:

In your terminal window type:

poetry –version

If your output looks like

poetry (version 1.2.0)

You are good to go.

Otherwise, type this command

pip install poetry

Once poetry is installed then retype

poetry –version

Gatorgrade installation process:

If you haven’t installed gatorgrade type this command:

pipx install gatorgrade

Go installation process:

If you haven't installed Go: the instructions

Make sure you click the right chip that your laptop has.

If you choose the right version and it still isn't working, follow these instructions:

Type in the command into your terminal:

nano ~/.zshrc
Add in the following 2 paths into the file that pops up in your terminal:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
After you save the changes in that file, source the file using the command:
. ~/.zshrc

Check if Go is now working using the go version command.

GCC installation process:

GCC might already be installed on your computer since you have a Mac. To check type:

gcc -–version

Your output should specify you have the clang version.

Locally installing the required tools for Windows

GCC & make command

  • Do not install MinGW directly, go to this website and download MSYS2.
  • Search for the MSYS2 MinGW x64 environment and open it.
  • Use pacman -Syuu command to update the environment.
  • Use pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain command to install the toolchain, which contains GCC and Make command.
  • Verify the installation by entering gcc —version inside the terminal. It should return the version of GCC you installed.
  • In order to use the GCC toolchain, you have to add to the path environment variable: /mingw64/bin .
  • You can also change the name of make from mingw32-make to make so it is easier to execute in the terminal.
  • In order to test everything went correctly, create two new files in a directory named hello.c and makefile.

    Contents of Hello.c:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() {
        printf("Hello, world!\n");
        return 0;

    Contents of Makefile:

    all: hello.exe
    hello.exe: hello.o
        gcc -o hello.exe hello.o
    hello.o: hello.c
        gcc -c hello.c
        rm hello.o hello.exe

Navigate to the directory in your terminal, and run the make command.


Navigate to this website to install Docker.

Python 3.10

Go to the Microsoft Store app to install:

Python 3.10

Check version:

python --version


  • Download Go from the official website.
  • Follow the installer's instructions.
  • Search for env on your computer and open environment variables.
  • Copy the path for Go and paste into your user variable editing window.
  • Test Go is installed by typing go version into your terminal.

Pipx / Poetry / Gatorgrade

Install pipx:

python3 -m pip install --user pipx
and then
python3 -m pipx ensurepath

Install Gatorgrade using pipx:

pipx install gatorgrade

Command to install poetry:

curl -sSL | python3 -

Locally installing the required tools for Linux

Python3.10 or above

Python 3.10 or above is expected. Downlad Python with this command:

sudo apt install python3.10


Install Pipx with commands below:

$ python3 -m pip install --user pipx
$ python3 -m pipx ensurepath


After installing pipx, you are ready to install another tool called Gatorgrade by using pipx Install Gatorgrade by:

$ pipx install gatorgrade


Poetry can be downloaded by the commands below. On some systems, python may still refer to Python 2 instead of Python 3. Better python3 binary to avoid ambiguity.

curl -sSL | python3 -


Install Docker:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin

C and GCC:

C and GCC should be installed by default in Linux distributors.


In order to download Go on Linux click this link and click the LINUX button that is underneath the feature downloads header. Once that is downloaded follow the directions that it gives you in order to complete the download.

Updated: 2022-11-26   Created: 2022-09-07
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